North of Ballard, Whittier has great shops, restaurants and a good neighborhood vibe.
Whittier can be found north of Ballard. Much like other nearby subdivisions like Loyal Heights and Sunset Hill, Whittier Heights was only moved into once the housing options in downtown Ballard had filled up. The biggest era for growth was 1920 through 1940, when most of the houses were built. In more recent years, some new homes have been built, leaving the neighborhood with a nice mix of the vintage and the modern. There are many homes with larger lots in this area.
Places to Visit: Sandel park, Greenwood Park, Golden Gardens, Carkeek park
Wow! Top Ten toys in Whittier is one of the best toy stores in Seattle.
Walking score: 81 out of 100
Livability: 79 out of 100 (higher is better)
Safety: 33% safer than the Seattle average
Public Schools with rating:
- Elementary: Whittier Elementary (A)
- Middle School: Salmon Bay (A), Whitman Middle School (A)
- High School: Ballard (A)
Estimated travel times (without traffic):
- Whittier to Lake Union: 14 min.
- Whittier to Downtown Seattle: 18 min.