Capitol Hills

This hilltop neighborhood includes a wide mix of housing from family mansions, historic homes, condos, and apartments. Fifteenth Avenue acts as a divider in this neighborhood: east of 15th Avenue is mostly comprised of single-family homes; west of 15th Avenue is one of the city’s largest concentrations of apartment and condo buildings, bordered by Broadway, an edgy commercial district. The mansion district, also known as Harvard-Belmont is where some of the city’s founders built their enormous homes, some complete with ballrooms. Many of these homes have amazing views of Downtown Seattle, the Space Needle, and Lake Union. Along Pike and Pine, closer to Broadway, is the city’s colorful gay district complete with theaters, wonderful restaurants, and night life.

Places to Visit: Volunteer Park, Arboretum, Cal Anderson Park, Interlaken Park, Cal Anderson Park, and the Starbucks Reserve Roastery and Tasting Room.

Wow!: Volunteer Park has an old water tower with winding stairs to climb to the top look out.

Walking score: 99 out of 100

Livability: 79 out of 100

Safety:  52% Safer than the Seattle average

Public Schools with rating

  • Elementary: Lowell Elementary, Stevens Elementary
  • Middle School: Washington Middle School
  • High School: Garfield High School

Estimated travel times (without traffic):

  • 10 minutes to Downtown Seattle

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