Madison Park

Madison Park is like a quaint, little village in the city that is just south of the 520 bridge and borders Lake Washington. Residents find few reasons to leave this established and beautiful neighborhood. Madison Street dead-ends at the shores of Lake Washington and creates a cul-de-sac of sorts. It is one of the safest neighborhoods in Seattle and provides and most everything you need, from groceries to dinner to a haircut, is within a short distance from Madison Park. In the summer, Madison Park beach is a fun place to hang out. Except for the neighborhood pub, there’s virtually no nightlife here, but that’s what some people like about it.

Places to Visit: Madison Park, the Washington Park Arboretum, the Seattle Japanese Garden.

Wow!: The Duwamish tribe native to the area once used this area as their summer hunting and recreation area

Walking score: 63 out of 100

Livability: 82 out of 100

Safety:  60% Safer than the Seattle average

Public Schools with rating

  • Elementary: McGilvra Elementary School
  • Middle School: Washington Middle School
  • High School: Garfield High School

Estimated travel times (without traffic):

  • To Downtown Seattle: 18 min.

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