Buying a Home with Evy

Whatever your reasons for buying, finding the right home in the perfect neighborhood, and at a cost that is within your budget, is no small task. That’s why many buyers choose to work with a full-service, licensed real estate professional, like myself, to guide them through the process. I have detailed information about properties for sale by every company, and can make appointments to see any home that you’re interested in.

Here is what you can expect when you work with me:

  • I will help you find the home that best meets your needs in the most efficient timeframe
  • Providing current market data I will assist you in making informed decisions
  • Utilizing negotiation strategies and effective communication, I will help you compete against the competition.
  • In a clear and concise manner, I will help you understand all the terms, processes, and documents involved in a real estate transaction
  • By managing the transaction details in a professional and efficient manner I will provide you with peace – of mind.

Want to learn more? Reach out and I will send you my Homebuying Starter packet complete with detailed information on the buyer process, information on lenders and inspectors, and my initial questionnaire which we will use to find the perfect home for you!

Direct: (206) 910-0398
Office: (206) 524-1100