West Seattle

West Seattle has a small-town feel – not what you’d expect for such a large neighborhood, but the business district is one of the coolest around. The most popular area is called the Junction, with the action extending for blocks and blocks in all directions from there. Then, of course, there’s Alki, the sandy beach strip on the tip of the peninsula where the Seattle Seafair Pirates land each year to kick off Seafair. Other major neighborhoods in West Seattle include Admiral, Fauntleroy and Delridge. All in all, it’s a caring community with lots of activity. There are homes with larger lots in this area and this area has been a hotbed of redevelopment in the last few years. Link Light Rail is coming to West Seattle around 2030 which will certainly change the landscape around that station.

Places to Visit: Alki, Lincoln Park, Schmitz Preserve Park, Puget Park and take a walk around the east side of the point and take in the views of Downtown Seattle.

Wow!:  The founding of Seattle by the Denny party in 1851 was actually West Seattle.

Walking score: 63 out of 100

Livability: 82 out of 100

Safety:  60% Safer than the Seattle average

Public Schools with rating:

  • Elementary: Schmitz Park Elementary School (A), Alki Elementary, Path finder school K-8 (A-), Gatewood Elementary, Louisa Boren Stem, K-5, (A-)
  • Middle School: David T Denny Middle school 6-8 (A), Madison Middle School (A-)
  • Pathfinder school K-8 (A-)
  • High School: Chief Sealth International High School (A), West Seattle High School (B)

Estimated travel times (without traffic):

  • 13 minutes to Downtown Seattle

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