Find a Mortgage Broker

It can be intimidating to find the right person whom you are going to trust to handle the finances around what is likely your biggest investment. But rest assured that the lenders I am recommending below have done an amazing job with my clients and I am referring them because I trust them. Of course, I always recommend you do your due diligence and find the right fit for you, but if you need somewhere to start, here is a great place:

LoanStar  John Bethke | Co-Branch Manager

MLO- 188368
Direct: (206) 755-4004
Office: (425) 728-8452
2821 Northup Way, Suite 250
Bellevue WA 98004

Penrith  Lance Morgan  |  Branch Manager/Mortgage Consultant

NMLS ID# 742281
WMS Series LLC/WRE, WA-CL 713524, OR-ML 5271
Cell: (425) 478-6412
Office: (206) 306-9483
Fax: (206) 524-3918